ENTRY: Front door lock is accessed via code. Your code will be unique to your family only- codes are changed each time a guest vacates the property. Your code will be given to you upon arrival at the meet & greet with either the owners or caretakers.
ALARM/SECURITY: The home is equipped with a monitored alarm system. Guest may elect to arm the home during their stay. It is not a requirement for you to use the system if you are not comfortable with the arming/disarming. You must be able to supply our alarm company with a working phone number in the event the alarm is activated. You will be required to give a password to the alarm company to avoid the authorities being alerted. We have taken extra precautions to help keep you safe by installing deadbolt locks on all exterior doors and security cameras at the gate and drives which can be viewed live inside the home via a split screen closed caption monitor.
A/C: 2 separate a/c units cool the home. The HVAC system is wired to detect open doors/windows and will shut down if it detects an open door/window for a period of more than 5 mins. After 3 consecutive shutdowns it will lock out and require a reset password from the owners/caretaker. Additionally each room houses a ceiling fan & pedestal floor fan.
WATER: The home is on a well. A whole house reverse/osmosis system with large reservoir tank delivers clean, fresh, safe water throughout the entire home. A whole house On-Demand Hot Water supplies endless hot water.
SEPTIC: Do not flush anything other than toilet paper in the toilets. Many homes with septic systems do not utilize garbage disposals. Therefore, all kitchen scraps should be discarded in the trash and not down the drain.
TRASH: To prevent waste buildup on check-out day, Guests are asked to continually remove their trash from inside the home to the appropriate outdoor cans. Trash pickup days: Mon/Thurs.
You get it to the cans ~ We'll get it to the street for pickup
Yellow Lid: Recycling
Green Lid: All other trash
WILDLIFE: Our home is located in an area inhabited by a wide variety of wildlife. Neighbors have spotted one of more of the following wildlife to include panthers, bears, alligators, turkeys, the neighbor's friendly peacocks, owls, snakes, spiders, ticks, bugs, etc. While sightings may be beautiful and/or scary, Guests should be aware of dangers and take appropriate precautions. Inform the homeowner of any harmful wildlife in, on or around the home. In addition to a monthly perimeter spray for bugs, guests may encounter numerous bug 'deterrent' devices inside the home. All have been strategically placed out of harm's way of children & pets. Please leave these in place where found. The Everglades are beautiful, but an unforgiving place - and we're trying to keep it outside where it belongs.

LAPTOP/PRINTER: is provided for guests in the library area. Do not download anything onto this device and refrain from visiting any sites that are known to produce malware, viruses or questionable content.
7 TV's Roku ready. Each remote is labeled for it's appropriate room Guests are responsible for keeping remotes accounted for & home where they belong.

POOL/HEATER is heated to 83 degrees. If your stay occurs during the times the solar blanket is on the pool at your arrival it is best to replace the blanket overnight or during days on non-use. (A cover left off an 83 degree pool during the night will result in a drop in temperature of as much as 5 degrees.) Depending on daytime temps & sunshine- the heater could then possibly need the entire next day to recover from the loss and your (heat) enjoyment could be compromised. Do not alter the pump/heater from any of their settings.
NO GLASS around the pool. You will find ample plasticware in the kitchen for eating & drinking poolside.
NO DIVING. It's not that deep. Really.
NO RUNNING. The marble tile can be slick when overly wet.
Please also note:
Wet feet on the interior tile is like navigating an ice rink.
DRY THOSE FEET before entering the house.
Trust us on this one...

Our guests have told us they love them too!
It takes a community on this one ~
As we all know, they can become a complete disaster very quickly.
If you have young ones everyone must help housekeeping with the chore of 'picking up & keeping organized the thousands of small parts' and getting them back to their rightful homes. We can continue to offer these rooms as long as they do not become a liability to our housekeeping staff - as they do not have the time to separate the farm animals from the barbie clothes from the building blocks, etc ~ nor should the next young guests (they could be yours!) enjoyment be compromised by trying to locate parts to every set, game, etc.

Let's talk about pets...
Free of fleas/ticks and be on preventative repellent.
Must be up to date on rabies & other required vaccinations.
Heartworm preventative is strongly recommended.
Guests are responsible for cleaning up any/all pet refuse. This includes all wooded areas as we continually expand the walking trails.
Furniture must be covered with supplied linens if pets are allowed to share. No pets on tabletops, countertops, bedspreads, throw pillows, etc.
No unattended pets outdoors or around the pool area at any time
Do not leave any pets unattended indoors for any extended period of time
If housekeeping or groundskeepers determine extra clean up due to any pets - guests will be charged accordingly.
"It is our goal to always have a beautiful home that guests can come to relax and enjoy their downtime in, and we will do our best to make sure that when you rent our home you can be assured that upon arrival you will walk into a clean, well-cared for home, but that can only happen when all guests respect the property that is turned over to them."

HOUSEKEEPING/CHECKOUT: While a housekeeping fee is charged to guests that rent our home we still expect a minimum amount of effort on the part of the guests during their stay and upon their departure. We are turning over an amenity packed- 3,000+ s/f of indoor space, 1,200+ of enclosed pool space - a 12 x 36 s/f pool - additional patios, outdoor recreation areas, etc. Unlike a hotel room, we strive to pack the home & grounds with extra amenities for your comfort & enjoyment. The use of an entire 4 bedroom/3 bath with full kitchen/wet bar facilities, multiple playrooms is a big task to handle on changeover day, particularly if you traveled with a large group.
All of this and more takes a considerable amount of time to keep clean on the part of housekeepers, pool cleaners, & groundskeepers.
Our caretaker & housekeeping arrive promptly at 11:15am. They require every bit of the time allotted for inspection, cleaning the home & laundering of linens before the 4pm check-in of new guests begins.
With that being said, our housekeepers are here to take care of and clean the home, pool & grounds - not put it all back together again after each guest vacates. Our housekeepers are not employed to pick up after guests who have left the home in complete disarray. This is disrespectful to the homeowners, our hard-working housekeepers and our home. Therefore, other than the listed and agreed upon checkout procedure we expect the home to be left in as good of condition as when you first arrived. If you notice anything that requires our attention or causes you discomfort or concern upon arrival or during your stay - please let us know as soon as possible.
The following is required & agreed upon for departure day
~ Remove all personal trash from about the house/pool/outdoor areas/lawn & dispose of in the proper receptacles. Do not leave anything lying in the lawn for groundskeepers to pick up or run over. Return any items taken from indoors for outdoor play to their original interior locations.
~ Check the house/outdoor areas for any dirty dishes, cups, utensils, etc left about and deposit into the sink or dishwasher. Pile beach towels, etc on laundry room floor.
~ Please account for all remotes to the 7 TV's and leave them beside their rightful TV (with the exception of pool remotes- please do not leave outdoors, bring to LR TV cabinet.
~ Please leave linens on the beds & towels can be left piled on bath floors or in laundry room. Please no wet towels left on beds!
~ Check, and double check for all personal belongings. Under beds, behind dressers, in the dryer, around the pool/lawn areas. If you find that you have left something behind- please contact us as soon as possible and we will attempt to locate it before the next guests arrive.
EXTRA GUEST SERVICES (if pre-requested):
Our guests have rotating schedules of arrivals & departures, but if we are able to provide an early checkin/late checkout we will do our best to accommodate guests where possible. (During season this is more challenging.)
Early/late luggage drop-offs will always be accommodated if needed (as well as any medications that may require refrigeration.)
Opportunity to extend stay beyond booked dates (calendar/incoming guests availability.)
A one-time grocery order pickup (additional fee required) to have in the home upon your arrival (ordered thru local grocery store app.)
Dog walking service for dogs (additional fee required, limited availability)